The Power of Words

I have 42 pages of notes from my weekend at the Hearts At Home conference. My mind is whirling with all of the wonderful words spoken this weekend. I have decided to go back over my notes, one workshop at a time, and as I do, I will write in my blog about what I learned.

So, my friends and I got to the conference first thing Friday morning. I did not know what to expect. We walked into the huge auditorium, and it was already almost full. There were 4,667 women there this weekend. From those women, 11,500 children would be affected by positive changes in their mom. WOW!!!

The first topic I am going to tell you about, wasn't a workshop, per say, it was from the 1st main morning session. It was called, The Power of Words- by Jill Savage/Nicole Johnson

One of the passages of scripture that was shared was Proverbs 12:18- Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Positive words bring life, and the opposite of that, is negative words bring death. Am I giving those that I love life or death, with my words??

That Friday morning, I was most hugely impacted by these verses, and the drama to follow.

James 3:5-6 Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

Following this verse, Nicole Johnson came out and did a skit. First on the screen, was the image of a huge forest fire, with firemen yelling, and news reporters talking, and then Nicole started talking to her kids (in theory-she was the only one on the stage). She was yelling at them, and she was yelling at her "husband" and all the while, in the background were the crackling and popping sounds a fire makes. She also spoke of a family friend, of whose little girl was burned when their home caught on fire. She had scars on her face and neck. When we carelessly yell at our children, we are leaving scars on them, that are not visible to the eye, but are imprinted on their heart. The rest of that Friday, tears just kept spilling over my eyes, as I pictured my son, with burn scars on his face, from my yelling at him. I have taken my son, who I love so deeply, and I have damaged him, with my words. I am an arsonist, I have set fire to my own home! But then, towards the end of the day, the Holy Spirit whispered these words to my heart. "Remember that verse shared this morning?? Proverbs 12:18? Remember what the last half of that verse says? It says, "But the tongue of the wise brings healing." Healing......Healing...Healing..... Music to my ears. Yes, I have damaged my child with my words, but if I rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me through my day, and lean on Him, and PRAY HARD when I start to feel myself welling up with words can bring healing. Will I be perfect at this??? No...I will not. But I can count on my Heavenly Father being there, and helping me through this!!! I do not want to be an arsonist anymore!!!!!

Lord, Please allow my words to bring healing to my child's heart. Help me to rely on You throughout the entire day, not just in the morning. Help these verses to come to my mind, when I feel as though my limits are being pushed. Help my responses to be thought out, instead of my mouth spewing unwholesome talk. Thank you for your love, and for your patience!! Help me to have as much patience with my children, as you have with me!! Amen!


  1. I love it!! I love those verses, and I'm going to write them out and stick them on my fridge!!
    Looking forward to hearing more!

  2. SO awesome that we are blogging our journey through this... LOVE IT!!! God is such a wonderful Father to lean on and count on.. Thanks for those verses....


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