Cathedrals.......Do you need Encouragement as a MOM??!!
The history of if cathedrals do not interest you...please read through anyway, you will see how it affects you as a mom.
A craftsman could begin the building of a medieval cathedral and sometimes even that man's grandson wouldn't see it finished.
In a period of 3 centuries, from 1050 to 1350, several million tons of stone were quarried into France for the building of the cathedrals and churches. In some cases, there is as much stone below ground as can be seen above. Some of the architects and bishops behind a few of these great buildings are known, and much credit is given to them for their work, BUT the vast majority of the labor, the masonry, the carpentry, the stained glass was all done by people whose names history will never reveal. If you look through books about Cathedrals, under most of the pictures it will read, "Builder Unknown". Many of the cathedrals took over 100 years to complete, which meant that many builders devoted their entire like, to a work they would never see finished. He could only hope that his son or daughter would one day see the completed work to which he had given his life. Would this craftsman strain to see the finished structure with the eyes of his spirit, trying to imagine what the bricks would become? He must have, if only because he would need that vision to keep him inspired every day. When he looked around all he saw was rubble and dust and an endless amount of work to be done. And yet he kept on working!!!!! And yet he kept on working!! And yet he kept on working!! That describes a mom's life to some degree. Sometimes all we see is "rubble and dust" and an endless amount of work to be done. (Laundry, dishes, dinner menu, help kids with homework, housework, sick kids, caring for husbands, yard work, being a "taxi cab" driver, etc etc etc. The list goes on and on.
One particularly moving story told of a very prominent man who went to visit a cathedral that was being built. He stopped to watch one of the workers, perhaps a monk. He saw the worker carving a tiny bird into the inside of a beam that would eventually be covered over by the stone roof. The man asked the worker why he was spending so much time and giving so much attention to something that no one would ever see. The builder never looked up. He never stopped carving as he replied, "Because God sees."
A twelfth century cathedral-building monk named Theophilus, one of the few whom history has revealed, offers this explanation for his work and writings, "I have not written down my precepts for love of worldly praise, nor in hope of a reward here on this earth.....I have wanted to supply the needs and help the progress of many men for the greater honor and glory of His name." He was not looking for man's approval, but for the approval of the one who has already seen.
Most of the cathedral builders became, "invisible". Do you feel invisible sometimes?? Do you kids not know how their clothes get into their drawers, or don't appreciate how a wonderfully cooked meal happens onto the table??? Does your husband just assume the house picks up itself, and the dishes somehow float back into the cub hoards- clean??
The cathedral builders definitely understood sacrifice in a way we no longer do. They believed enough in the greatness of their purpose to show up day after day at a job that they would never see finished, to work on a building that their name would never be on, trusting that by their selfless efforts they were making a lasting contribution to the world.
You may feel invisible to your family some days, but you are never invisible to God. God sees every act of kindness, every peanut butter and jelly sandwich made, he sees every sock that you wash, dry and put back in their drawers. He sees every scrape you kiss and make all better, He sees every mile you drive, and hears every prayer you pray!!!! Embrace your invisibility!!!
You may feel invisible to the world- but you are not invisible to God.
Illuminate the sacrifice of others who are invisible to the world.
Heaven may be the greatest purpose on earth.
Invisibility is not inflicted upon me, it is a gift to help me truly serve.
Invisibility is love's most beautiful costume.
In greatness and admiration for what you build "when no one sees".Almighty God, who sees every sparrow, continue to teach me life's great lessons from the world's great cathedrals. Strengthen my heart to do the things that no one sees or appreciates, and to do them as unto you. Help me make personal sacrifices with no trumpet and no credit to myself. Let me be more invisible in you, so that real love may be more clearly visible. Let me allow humility to cloak my love at every opportunity. And if history never knows my name, may I have helped it know yours a little better. Allow me to be invisible, that the world might see you- the living God who sees and loves ALL invisible women. AMEN!
Parts of my devotional today were taken from Nicole Johnsons book- "The Invisible Woman"
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