
Showing posts from May, 2010

What Is Your Heart Set On????

I have been going on quite a rough road lately, being faced with my control issues, and not REALLY trusting God with ALL things. I mean, I would say I trust God, but if I did, I wouldn't feel the need to control everything. I have also had a double whammy this week. 2 books I am reading both touched on the issue of controlling mother's. On one hand, it seems to be more common than I thought- I am not alone!!!! But then, it is so hugely convicting!!! I will share what my books talked about. "It is as if I were sitting in the back seat of a Land Rover in a little car seat that had its own steering wheel. I was turning the wheel left, then right, but I never realized that my steering wheel wasn't connected to anything. One day I looked up and realized that I wasn't the one driving. I finally saw that although I have a steering wheel, I can give up control. My driver (God) is totally in control. He has been on the road. He knows the way. He sees ahead to the very e