Blog update After Almost A Year- Savannah's Birth
It has been a year since I have written in my blog. What a year it has been. In July, towards the end of the Polk County Fair- I was feeling pretty yucky, and was also missing my "time of the month". So I was suspicious, and told Bill I had better take a pregnancy test. We got home from County Fair on Sunday afternoon- unloaded everything and went straight to Hy-Vee to buy a test. We got home, and I took the first one- Positive. So I took the second one- Positive. OH MY WORD!!! I'M PREGNANT!!!
We were very happy!!! We took our parents and my grandparents 4 roses- one for each grandchild (from us). :) :) We made the boys a cake and wrote on the cake- "Baby Pitts #4 coming soon.". They were also excited. So then comes my months and months of horrible morning sickness. It is very hard to home school and feel horribly sick day in and day out. It isn't like having the flu- and knowing you'll feel better in a few days. This was a very difficult pregnancy for me. The worst of the 4. I had some heart issues also- and blood pressure issues, etc.
Then the time came for our ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby. I was a nervous wreck!! I was dreaming of a baby girl- and was so excited to find out. Bill came to this appointment with me. So our little family of 5 was there to hear whether we were adding a boy or girl to our family. The ultrasound tech said, "This is a little girl". My heart completely skipped a beat and I was just elated!!! A GIRL!!! Just what I was praying for. Thank you God for this little blessing!!!
I started dilating early just like I had with the boys. At 32 weeks, I was dilated to 3 cm and 50% effaced. At 34 weeks I was between a 3 and 4 and 80% effaced, the Dr thought I was measuring big (41 weeks)- and said that at my next appointment I should have an ultrasound to see what the baby weighed.
So at my 36 week appointment I had an ultrasound and they first said the baby measured to weigh 9lbs 2oz. My mom and I both said, "WHAT???!!" in a loud shocked voice. LOL!! Well, then she got some better measurements and said the final tally was 8lbs 14oz. Not that it is much different....... so then I had my appointment and the Dr offered to strip my membranes for me, but I decided I didn't want to do that, at that point. The doctor thought I could go into labor any day!!
So my bags are packed and sitting on the kitchen table- my bag and the baby's bag. My bag was packed with my deodorant, hair dryer, make up, soap, etc etc. I pretty much lived out of my bag for several weeks. Every time we left the house- we brought all my things. My bag, baby bag, pillow, video camera, everything we wanted to bring to the hospital. This got very tiring.
My 37 week appointment I was the same. 4 cm and 80% effaced.
38 weeks.... 5 cm....... 80% effaced.
Needless to say- all of this time I was UNCOMFORTABLE!! That is actually a huge understatement. I couldn't sleep, wasn't comfortable sitting, laying, or standing. I had pains all over, and restless leg syndrome. I was definitely DONE being pregnant by this time.
At my 39 week appointment- my doctor came in and said, "Why are you still pregnant??" I answered, "I have NO idea". He didn't even check my, he just stripped my membranes and scheduled an induction for the next morning in case I didn't go into labor from the stripping. Yay!! Finally!! At least I knew the waiting was over, and she'd be here in the next 24 hours..................
I went to my parents house and mom and I took the boys to the mall, and we walked and walked and walked. :) :) Bill got off work and we grabbed dinner and went home. At 7:00pm The Voice came on, and at 7:04pm my contractions started. I timed them during the entire show- they were not regular, 3 min. apart, than 5 min. apart, than 8 min. apart, etc. But beings I was already 5cm and halfway there, I certainly didn't want to mess around........ So we took the boys to my parents house- they were going to spend the night anyway, beings we had an induction scheduled the next morning.
We're going to have a baby tonight!! |
My poor mother was freezing |
Epidural NOT working!! |
The were only about 1-2 minutes apart. At about 3:45 they checked me and I was 10cm and complete. My doctor was in Polk City and so I had to wait for her to get there. She finally arrived and at 4:14am Savannah Josephine was born. Only took 3 pushes- and no tearing or episiotomy. The doctor was amazed at her hair and her size.
They put her on the scale and said 10lbs 2oz- Bill and I were so surprised. All 3 of the boys were 7lbs something........ so we were not expecting a 10lb baby. But she was beautiful and healthy!!! It definitely made sense why I was SO uncomfortable the last month of pregnancy, after we found out what she weighed.
We were so happy to finally have her here!!!! We now have a daughter!!!! 3 wonderful boys and a precious little baby girl. God has RICHLY blessed our family!!!!!
Savannah Josephine- March 20th at 4:14am, 10lbs 2oz.
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