Are We There Yet?????
As I was reading in my Bible about the whole judgment day/rapture prediction, I had the most wonderful image pop into my head. First let me start by saying, that Harold Camping cannot predict when the Lord will return. No one knows when He will return. However, it could be at ANY time. It could be tonight, May 20th. It could be Sunday morning May 22nd. But there is no way for any human to be able to know a time and date. I was reading Mark chapter 13, and everyone always recites the beginning of verse 32, but rarely do you hear the end. I know I have read it in the past, but it was brought to new light for, and gave me an overwhelming sense of JOY and PEACE. Mark 13:32 says, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (emphasis mine) Wow!!!! I have never thought about the fact that only God the Father knows when they day and hour will be. Not even the Son, Jesus, knows. Then it got me thinking...... It could ...